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Comment count is 19
tamago - 2007-04-30

Kitty reminds me of a trapdoor spider. Only cute and cuddly.

Stopheles - 2007-04-30

My smart cat does the trapdoor-spider thing all the time on the other two.

Caminante - 2007-04-30

It wants to drag the hand back under the covers and eat it.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-04-30

Silly Caminante. Kitties know when it's just practice.

Beyonce Knowles - 2007-04-30

I giggle and squeal along with the girl :)

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-04-30

Trapdoor kitty wins the internet today.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2007-04-30

Sneak attack for x4 damage!

kiint - 2007-04-30


Feyd - 2007-04-30

hehe kitties

Cube - 2007-04-30

I like kitties.

NoCode - 2007-04-30

Yaaay, kitty attacks are the best kind of carnivore attacks!!

RockBolt - 2007-05-01


athodyd - 2007-05-01

i have mangled my hands so badly doing this

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-05-11

I want a guard kitty!

Namor - 2007-06-18

More painful but still fun even with adult cats.

TinManic - 2007-09-27

meh. i can do that.

Genghis the gerbil - 2007-09-29

Trapdoor spider-cats are all well and good, but when they learn to spin webs I'm heading for the hills.

Long Gone Daddy - 2007-11-24

Is it just me, or is the cat smiling broadly by the third go-around?

TinManic - 2008-06-14

cats can't smile, so it's just you.

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