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Comment count is 5
Cube - 2017-02-03

Fun fact: in the old "slang", dick used to mean a man's penis.

Rangoon - 2017-02-03

These stars are for TCM.

kingarthur - 2017-02-04

What was this made for? I assume it was a few years ago given the presence of Wendy McClendon-Covey as she's on a national sitcom now and not just Reno 911.

Also, little kid me remembers the marketing push behind this movie. They saw Batmania in 89 and tried to force it with Dick Tracy. There are probably warehouses full of Dick Tracy merchandise somewhere, sitting unsold.

badideasinaction - 2017-02-04

This was the movie version of an ashcan comic; Beatty saw Dick Tracy as his baby and by dong an in-character interview and "releasing" it he got to keep the rights from being lost. Just a middle finger to anyone crazy enough to try and remake it, and I think this holds the rights until Beatty is likely dead.

Scrimmjob - 2017-02-04

Great acting all around, the way they act like anyone at all gives a shit about Dick Tracy is phenomenal!

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