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Comment count is 5
SolRo - 2017-01-08

So...anyone else notice that soundtrack sounds like a video evidence/flashback music on a murder drama documentary?

Meerkat - 2017-01-08

I noticed I wanted more footage about the motor home RV features because I keep thinking it would be cool to get one and drive it down to Mexico or the southern states in the winter.

atomicpoet - 2017-01-08

I wonder how the secretary got her job.

Old_Zircon - 2017-01-09

A good friend of mine has known quite a few gay porn actors over the years.

He's not exactly the most objective observer, but this video certainly isn't providing any real counterpoint to his claims that they're almost all bipolar meth heads with daddy issues.

chumbucket - 2017-01-09

All of this getting scheduled on a silly pet photo calendar.

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