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Comment count is 8
Old_Zircon - 2017-01-04

A preacher is just about the most qualified person I can think of to discuss modern economic theory, since it's almost entirely faith-based anyhow.

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-01-04

Amen, Brother Zirc.

Anaxagoras - 2017-01-04

Bullshit. Modern economists have graphs. Do religions have graphs? No, no they do not.


cognitivedissonance - 2017-01-04

You clearly have never been to a Dispensational Baptist church. Graphs upon graphs, timelines, Boolean charts, endless Kabbalah numerology dictionaries. This was my particular flavor growing up.

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-01-04

Witness the resurrection of the Supply Side Cheeto Jesus! And yet, you still do not believe?

gravelstudios - 2017-01-04

This is some good preaching.

dubz - 2017-01-04

Auto-5 for Rev. Barber. He's made the last few years in NC slightly more bearable, even after all the bullshit.

Lef - 2017-01-04

Not good stuff, Excellent Stuff.

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