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Comment count is 9
chet - 2006-03-17

finally, a movie about snakes on a plane.

Xiphias - 2006-03-17

I've had it with these SNAKES!

stanleypain - 2006-03-17

The must-see, feel-good experience of the season.

Alex - 2006-03-17

not what I expected

Twitch - 2006-03-17

I can't wait for the sequel - "Snakes in a Train". Then, finishing the trilogy, "Snakes in an Boat"

Sean Robinson - 2006-03-18

I am officially renaming Samuel - as is my right - Mongoose Jackson.

Caminante - 2006-03-18

Snakes Barrelling down aisle on snack cart = Yes Forever!

thebaronsdoctor - 2006-03-22

I still can't believe this isn't a parody. Snakes on a Plane is my new favourite movie

timmylean - 2006-03-27

This is either the worst movie ever or the greatest practical joke.

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