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Desc:Golf: a game where you can not only challenge the pros during a match, but they will bet real money.
Category:Sports, Stunts
Tags:golf, heckler, putt, ninety per cent concentration, i know whos buying beer tonight
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Comment count is 12
fedex - 2016-10-04

golf: a game that wastes more resources than any other sport

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2016-10-04


fedex - 2016-10-04

it's a close toss-up I think, gasoline vs land and water

Grandmaster Funk - 2016-10-04

those racetracks are HUGE, you know?

fedex - 2016-10-05

WP says its close:

most modern 18-hole golf courses occupy as much as 60 hectares (150 acres)

Daytona track's 180-acre (73 ha) infield includes the 29-acre (12 ha) Lake Lloyd

caveat: there are many more golf courses than Nascar racetracks

Old_Zircon - 2016-10-04

It's worth noting that for a pro golfer, $100 is like tossing the guy a penny.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-10-05

right like the pro's *hat* is probably worth more

chumbucket - 2016-10-05

I was half expecting to see Kenny Powers step out as the "fan".

Cena_mark - 2016-10-05

Now this bro dude has become the ultimate bro dude. He'll be telling this tale to his bro dude friends for decades.

Old_Zircon - 2016-10-06

Since it's apparently self promotion week again, here's a relevant track from a concept album about golf as a future blood sport that I put together a couple years ago. I'll keep this up for a week or two.


Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-10-06


memedumpster - 2016-10-06


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