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Desc:Remember when Garth Brooks lost his mind and created a fictitious alt-rock persona, with backstory?
Category:Classic TV Clips, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:garth brooks, chris gaines, ziggy stardust this aint, sgt pepper this aint
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Comment count is 7
Rosebeekee - 2016-07-09

Yes I do. My lazy, manchild uncle was a huge Garth Brooks fan and my dad and his brothers would not stop teasing him when this happened.

TeenerTot - 2016-07-09

Oh wow. Could they have crammed any more "rock star" cliches in there?

Maggot Brain - 2016-07-09

This is standard fare for a Behind The Music episode just that Garth Brooks can't act. I think Garth Brooks latter on tried to pass this of as a tongue and cheek joke but no one believed him.

Raggamuffin - 2016-07-09

For the virginal accounts of what a 15 year old would imagine a rock star's sex life is like.

Crab Mentality - 2016-07-09

I love this so much. He settled on sex addiction because he wouldn't go so far as even a drinking problem.

boner - 2016-07-09

There's this great line in I Heart Huckabees, where one of the characters has booked Garth Brooks for a concert, and asks if they're getting Chris Garth or Classic Garth.

memedumpster - 2016-07-09

Modern country is way more rock than this. Just as lame though.

Wait, was the car crash bullshit so they could have a different guy be young Chris in the photos? HAHA!

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