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Desc:Yes, that's really Michael Jackson (2:45), motion-captured and voice-acted by the man himself.
Category:Video Games
Tags:Space, 2, channel, 5, Part
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Comment count is 7
Killer Joe - 2007-04-28

This game was awesome.

Namor - 2007-06-22

Space cheerleaders cheering unwillingly

This must have been a Sega game.

kelpfoot - 2008-03-19

What the Hell just happened?

kelpfoot - 2008-04-13

No, seriously, I need someone to explain this game to me.

dementomstie - 2008-06-18

It's a rhythm game about a space reporter who fights aliens by dancing and shooting. It's kind of like Parapa The Rappa where the bad guy will say what to hit "Up, Down, Left, Shoot(Chu)" and then you'll have to repeat it in time to the music.
I've played it and if you have good rhythm you have nothing to worry about, if you're me, you die constantly.

Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-03-31

There was a sequel to Space Channel 5?!

dementomstie - 2008-06-18

Let's Dancing! Let's Shooting!

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