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Comment count is 19
The Mothership - 2016-02-08

Ben Carson missed his cue and then Trump realized he could milk it by waiting for the moderators to beg him to come out on stage, very clever.

Extra star for that tag, let's get 'er linked boys!

Nominal - 2016-02-08

Straight out of the Hitler public speaking playbook!

Hooker - 2016-02-08

I have so many different comments I want to make about this, and they're all come out scattershot, some of them pausing to percolate, some getting caught by other lagging thoughts, some wondering when they should arrive, some declining suggestions that they should fully form, and one that seems to be forgotten before it was even made.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-02-08

I know the feeling. There's so many wonderful comedic beats here where you think "this is the apex of the joke; it cannot get any funnier than this," and then Jeb(!) joyously prances past Trump and Carson, elated that for once he's not fucking up in front of the entire universe

That guy - 2016-02-08

.......right now, SNL writers are working furiously on some lukewarm schtick.

infinite zest - 2016-02-08

10 bucks says it involves Steve Harvey reading the names in the wrong order, and something something Kanye West.

memedumpster - 2016-02-08

Which white guy will play Ben Carson?

infinite zest - 2016-02-08

Kenan, of course.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-02-08

Twitter! Miley Cyrus! What would Kim K say if she read YOUR livetweets?

Accidie - 2016-02-08

It was basically watching a preschool graduation.

Ben would be a paste eater and Donald would crud bug on the playground.

Also, Chris Christie poops his pants.

Accidie - 2016-02-08


I'm a little loopy.

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-08

Works either way, honestly.

Stopheles - 2016-02-08

Trump was expecting that he could go out last and get a huge pop.

chumbucket - 2016-02-08

Introduction Prompt Subroutine Start

Jet Bin Fever - 2016-02-08


Old_Zircon - 2016-02-08

Trump looks more like Tony Clifton than ever in this clip.

But seriously, what is even happening here?

Extra stars for one of the better Youtube comments I've seen:

LAVATORR 17 hours ago
This is like watching Game of Thrones as re-enacted by box tortoises.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-02-10

....that was actually me. LAVATORR is another one of my handles.

Incidentally, when I was a teenager, I used to post on this MMA board as a gimmick/troll account named LAVATORR. Whenever others were having a productive conversation about technique or whatever, LAVATORR, lava monster, indestructable god-king of the Magmen and ideologically conservative DJ. LAVATORR would roar into a conversation in ALL CAPS and go on surreal tangents about lava and discrimination against lava monsters and having Shaq accidentally cut his pumice hairs. LAVATORR would later go on to run against Romney in 2012, and even placed fourth in New Hampshire, but voters found his stance on the issues too fluid.

Anyway, a couple months after I stopped, I was drilling takedowns on this white belt at my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, and out of nowhere he asks "Do you post on Bullshido?" I didn't know what to say, except for the truth. "Yes Greg," I admitted. "I am LAVATORR."

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-02-10

Double incidentally: LAVATORR has an official IRS badge and title: "Alpha Magmale". A friend and I were setting up for the IRS' annual conference at Caesar's Palace, and he got in good with the girl operating the badge machine, who singlehandedly ended centuries of government-sanctioned racism against LFEHE-Americans.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-02-08

"Did I leave that iron plugged in? Wait, it has an auto shut-off. Or was that my old iron? Do I have time to call someone to go check on it? Oops, better focus. Don't want to miss hearing them call my name."

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