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Desc:They really picked a dream team of presenters for this one. The guy who shows up at 5:30 especially.
Category:Science & Technology, Business
Tags:Dweebs, sampler, The Bush Era, pro gear
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Comment count is 13
infinite zest - 2016-01-18

Back when Big Telemarketing Headsets were still just reserved for the bosses presentations. I'm important, do you see what's on my head? That why you still have to pick up the phone. Ahh, the good ol days.

fedex - 2016-01-18

this a great, historic piece of kit though, almost singlehandedly kick-started the jungle/dubstep genres

baleen - 2016-01-18

Which was a horrible thing to do to the world, so 5 for evil I guess.

infinite zest - 2016-01-18

Yeah preload image dweeb just needs a skrillex cut and a tanktop and he's ready for the big times.

infinite zest - 2016-01-18

or at least the G-funk era..

Cena_mark - 2016-01-18

G-Funk pretty much passed before this gear came along.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-18

I've got one in the mail right now, allegedly less than 10 hours of use and for well less than 10% of the original MSRP.

Pretty psyched.

I didn't know it had anything to do with dubstep. As far as jungle goes this didn't come out until 2000, I remember the most hype about about jungle happening around 1994-5, and I thought it really peaked around '97.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-18

"G-Funk pretty much passed before this gear came along."

If it hadn't, that one guy's example of "G-funk" would have killed it.

Or maybe that's in the other, even more amazing demo video I didn't post because the uploader sped it up to fit the old Youtube time limit:


Old_Zircon - 2016-01-18

A whole lot of people swear that the time stretch on this thing still outperforms any current software except possibly Melodyne.

infinite zest - 2016-01-19

Yeah the product itself is awesome. There was one at this used musical instrument store for like 200 bucks. I probably should've picked it up. I wonder if it would've worked with my little SK 1! But I would've just used it to keep the G-Funk Sound going strong.

infinite zest - 2016-01-19

The fake commercial is so great too. That really snuck right by the higher-ups!

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-19

You can retrofit MIDI on your SK-1 for about so yeah, it probably would have worked sort of.

The VariOS looks cool too, but I actually appreciate the simplicity of this thing.

infinite zest - 2016-01-20

Hehe.. "Just Show us Your YSP" just doesn't get old. It's a dick and a synth joke all in one.

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