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Comment count is 32
15th - 2015-11-01

This is so up my alley.

Crab Mentality - 2015-11-01

Bam Margera is a total asshole. I'm unable to feel sorry for him regardless of what happens.

infinite zest - 2015-11-01

I wonder if he's walking back to his affluent parents' house to do laundry.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-01

His self-importance is repellent, but his stories on Howard Stern are pretty entertaining.

The Mothership - 2015-11-01

His wikipedia article is exactly what I expected it to be.

joelkazoo - 2015-11-01

Not watching. Take my stars. This spoiled white rich baby who loves giving shit but refuses to take it is not worth my time.

Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

The man deserves your support. He got attacked by a group of Icelandic rappers. Why the discrimination, cause he's rich? I guess that means he doesn't have emotions.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

He's depressed and he's got an alcohol problem. I'm with Cena on this; Bam deserves your support, not your jealousy.

This was hard to watch. I don't want to think of him as a loser; I want to remember Bam as he was, getting attacked by snakes and taking nut shots from bowling balls.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

Also, bonus stars for learning that Bam is an Anathema fan.

Scrimmjob - 2015-11-02

Cena and Homer remind me of Walter and Perry from Home Movies


Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

That's cause they're best friends. Homer is my best friend on this site. Best friends like Lyra and Sweetie Drops, like Ruby and Sapphire, like Dipper and Mabel.

Scrimmjob - 2015-11-02

The specific reason I used Walter and Perry as an example is while they are best friends, they are also obnoxious retards.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

Then why didn't you use Bam and Dunn?

Honestly, Scrimms, that joke practically wrote itself. Clearly you are the retard, not us.

M-DEEM - 2015-11-02

Oh jesus. Lol @ scrimmjob

Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

Hey Homer, do you want to hold my hand, cause I want to hold hands.

ashtar. - 2015-11-04

My current theory is that Baleen handed off the cena account to EH when he got bored of pretending to be a libertarian, and homer took the cena character in a new direction.

TeenerTot - 2015-11-02

Bloo bloo bloo.

roofle - 2015-11-02

"I'm almost 40 and I'm going to build my dead friend a skate park."

Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

How's that a bad thing? It'll help him find closure, and somewhere in Iceland kids will have a skate park to play in.

roofle - 2015-11-02

lol He's a manchild who didn't have a single shred of empathy until his friend died. Then, he used every opportunity available to have a pity party for himself on TV/Radio because his idiot friend drove drunk into a tree.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

... as opposed to the rest of you, manchildren who REMAIN devoid of empathy, even after a man's friend died!

What's wrong with building a skatepark? A skatepark is a productive thing. It'll honor Mr Dunn's memory, it'll brighten the community, and it'll enrich the lives of thousands of young children for decades to come. How can such a thing be bad?

Bam and Ryan were role models for an entire generation of kids - putting their lives on the line each and every day, teaching us that NOTHING was impossible, so long as you have heart and the audacity to follow your dreams. Ryan is dead now, and Bam is too old to drive off cliffs in a shopping cart... but now, with this skate park, they can STILL be heroes, heroes to a whole new generation - and generations more to come.

Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

You beat me Homer, I was about to point out his ironic comment about Bam having no empathy.
The guy looks like he's been through Hell. Those bruises came from a beating he took from an Icelandic rap group. Who knows, maybe he deserved it. I never watched jackass or anything, and I know he's kind of a hated realitiy style celeb, still he's trying to turn a negative into a positive.
The skatepark may sound childish, but they grew up skating and even built their fortunes on it. Maybe he'll find the experience rewarding and build more parks.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

What's the deal with this Icelandic rap group, anyway? I haven't heard anything about it, but it sounds like the sort of thing poor ol' Bam would be getting himself mixed up in.

Also, that is so true about the skateboarding. The entire Jackass crew, skateboarding really changed their lives! They wouldn't be the millionaire success stories they are today if it weren't for the positive influence of skateboarding.

Is he really planning on building the park in Iceland? If so, maybe he can get Sportacus to help him! Sportacus, after all, is really big on teaching children the importance of exercise and healthy living; Bam and his skatepark would be a natural partner in this.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

Jackass was great, by the way. Bam wasn't my favorite Jackass - that spot goes to Steve-O, hands down - but if you're a fan of mindless destruction and people getting their dicks bitten by snakes, then Jackass is must-see TV.

roofle - 2015-11-02

There's nothing ironic about my comment at all though. It's possible for a person to feel for people who actually deserve sympathy, instead of others who clearly don't.

Also Scrimmjob was right on the money about both of you lol

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

So what, you've got a finite reserve of empathy? You can only feel sympathy for "the deserving", but other people, "undeserving" people, oh no, can't waste your precious empathy on them? The Robbie Sonichu method, I see.

What horrible stuff did Bam do to you, exactly? You two must have some pretty dark history for you to decide that "building a memorial skatepark" = "asshole who deserves to be treated like sub-human filth".

roofle - 2015-11-02

Ha that's good stuff. I didn't say to treat him like anything, but I don't think anyone should be obligated to feel sorry for him.

I think you're getting too caught up in this Homer, go watch some Viva La Bam reruns and unrustle yourself.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-02

Of course you're not *obligated* to feel sorry for him, Roofle - or should I say, Ayn Rand. There's nothing *obligating* you to be a decent, caring person, it's simply a choice that you have to make on your own.

M-DEEM - 2015-11-02

Hey i didn't order the tedious sarcasm where's my plate of inane, totally outrageous brony prattle?

infinite zest - 2015-11-02

Yeah building a skatepark is a great idea. I helped build one behind my old house that later got torn down for a streetcar but it totally changed the vibe of the community even after the little skatepark was gone. And I can't even skate!

And I too had a friend pass away because of drunk driving and I miss her, and another who is constantly back on the needle, but what I don't like is Bam's tone here, ostensibly calling everybody who's ever cared about him a bunch of losers, including his friend who sounds like he really needs his friends, and the other who couldn't be saved.

Cena_mark - 2015-11-02

I think he's just trying to sound tough and rugged. Its how you compensate after you get beat up by Icelandic rappers.
I've lost a friend due to drinking and driving, and I hate when people get sanctimonious towards stuff like that. Some folks actually seemed to imply that I shouldn't even be mourning due to the circumstances of his death.
I'm sure just about every drinker has at least once or twice driven when they really shouldn't. Some people unfortunately make a habit of it.

Homer, how about AJ coming through and saving the Pie family's Hearths Warming.

Chocolate Jesus - 2015-11-02

of course you losers would eat this meretricious shit up

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