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Desc:Obama went on Kimmel and made a quick joke about aliens. Kimmel said 'People will over-analyze this'
Category:Classic TV Clips, News & Politics
Tags:Aliens, Jimmy Kimmel, obama, beyond parody, possibly ancient aliens not sure
Submitted:Sexy Duck Cop
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Comment count is 2
Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-10-26

Context: Jimmy Kimmel held a light fluff interview with Obama, asking him questions about day-to-day life as President. Stuff like "Can you drive yourself?", "does the dentist come to you?", and, eventually, "Did you ever run down to a secret filing cabinet to learn about Area 51"? Obama, as usual, was a charming motherfucker and joked about how the Aliens train the President to respond to questions like this. To which Kimmel replied, "You know people on the Internet are going to spend hours analyzing your every facial twitch during that sentence." Obama laughed, and they moved on.

Well, here's a guy on the Internet analyzing every facial twitch during that sentence.

That guy - 2015-10-27

You approved of finding this video for poetv so much that you wanted to star it for being poeworthy?

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