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Comment count is 10
chairsforcheap - 2015-07-15

I'm assuming someone's already made a reconstruction of this in minecraft

memedumpster - 2015-07-15

He did not dig that in a year. He probably waltzed out the front door with his billion dollars worth of extorted prison personnel.

Meerkat - 2015-07-15

Of course they used CFL's the dirty hippie mexican communist bleeding heart liberal secularists.

ashtar. - 2015-07-15

They may have lost a prisoner, but they've gained a tourist attraction.

duck&cover - 2015-07-15

Holy shit, how did he get rid of all that dirt and rock?

kingarthur - 2015-07-16

There is no way on earth he did this on his own without inside help.

EvilHomer - 2015-07-16

But how would a billionaire drug kingpin with half the Mexican government on his payroll manage to get outside help?

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-07-16

You may be on to something there, KingArthur! I suspect our own Rodent of Unusual Size may have had a hand in this...

Raggamuffin - 2015-07-16

Shot in the dark here you guys, but seeing as the tunnel is nearly a mile long, 30 feet deep, and he apparently rode through it on a motorcycle I've got a sneaking suspicion that it was dug by a team from the outside.

BHWW - 2015-07-16

No, he did it himself with just a spork as a tool.

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