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Comment count is 14
The Mothership - 2015-04-01


Change - 2015-04-01


infinite zest - 2015-04-01


BHWW - 2015-04-01

I really appreciate the 1990s style "Let's get ready to go on a trip along the Information Superhighway!"-esque internet graphics.

That guy - 2015-04-01

Digital style!

infinite zest - 2015-04-02


blue vein steel - 2015-04-01

big fan of the pushy desktop's jaunty song

kingarthur - 2015-04-01

Don't touch the computer!

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-01

These just keep getting better.

fluffy - 2015-04-01

That had a great David O'Reilly vibe to it.

Nikon - 2015-04-02

This deserves five stars.

Kid Fenris - 2015-04-16

I love the creepy little touches, like what's in the right corner of the room around 4 minutes.

Anagramother - 2015-04-30

Also at the beginning all 3 characters are shown as "Missing" on the Milk Carton

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-10-16

I don't think I've ever used a computer to search for oats.

Now I never will.

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