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Desc:The Christian Wrestling Federation travels the USA with a ministry of hope, faith and wrestling
Category:Sports, Religious
Tags:wrestling, LOL XTIANS, cwf, christian wrestling federation, wrestling with satan
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Comment count is 9
blue vein steel - 2015-03-23

Satan would always be a face

Sanest Man Alive - 2015-03-23

Nah, that's Lucifer, the Lightbearing Brawler. Satan's his heel-turn.

mon666ster - 2015-03-23

These guys will never get called up to the main roster.

Hooker - 2015-03-23

Do the wrestlers call the fans "marks"?

ashtar. - 2015-03-23

Christianity and pro wrestling? Now I can combine both the ways that I repress my homosexual desires!

jangbones - 2015-03-23

I am friends with one of the filmmakers. He said there was definitely a few repressed desires.

oddeye - 2015-03-23

Awesome dude, I definitely want to watch this now. Also, if someone gets crippled, is it cause they didn't BELIEVE in the BLOOD OF CHRIST enough?

oddeye - 2015-03-23

I was expecting something more poetic like mid air battles between armoured angels and jacked up demons or 3 man tag teams desperately fending off giant nephilim, all with big budget movie production values.

While disappointed, I got what I SHOULD have expected. A bunch of preachy yahoos sitting on each other's faces for Jesus.

themilkshark - 2015-03-25

Hilarious when there's people crying during a wrestling show because Jesus.

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