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Comment count is 9
Cube - 2015-03-21

Well the three dead were kind of obvious, there were coffins and everything.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-21

As a child in the late 1980s, whose grandmother worked for the British military intelligence, I was absolutely paranoid that the Irish were going to murder me and my family in some bloody terrorist attack. I was so jaded and burnt out on terrorism, that by the time 9/11 hit, my reaction was great big "meh".

Can someone find an online collection of his art? There are a whole bunch of painters named Michael Stone, and so far I've only been able to locate small pictures of two confirmed pieces, one of which is on a rather sniffy art blog.

kamlem - 2015-03-21

I've found only four, including THE RED HAND!

http://thegreatweeazoo.blogspot.com.au/2006/12/bad-art-michael -stone.html

http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/06/uk_enl_1165 512656/img/1.jpg

http://cdn1.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/incoming/article29639936.ec e/ALTERNATES/h342/_V3U9524.jpg

kamlem - 2015-03-21



Nominal - 2015-03-22

Damn. Dude only served 13 years for six counts of first degree murder.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-22

It was special circumstances; he was released as part of the peace talks, basically an amnesty / terrorist release / prisoner of war exchange. You've also got to remember that Stone was an Ulster Loyalist, so the British government (who oversaw his incarceration at the Maze) was naturally inclined to not give him more shit than otherwise required by law.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-22

He was also, at that time, one of the highest ranking members of the UDA, basically the PLO of the Loyalist cause; as a prison gang czar, he represented the anti-Republican Irish during the ceasefire negotiations.

He's back in prison now, though, on account of the "performance art" kamlem mentioned earlier. (it was basically a hilariously botched assassination attempt, and when caught, he tried to pull the MDE defense)

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-03-22

God dam the Troubles.

Syd Midnight - 2015-03-25

Sounds like a song from a Wolfe Tones album

1. Goddam The Troubles
2. Feckin Ian Paisley
3. The Shooting RUC Constable Brian Woods With A 50 Caliber Rifle In South Armagh Song
4. Me Dear Old Mum
5. Go The Fuck Home Already
6. Me Dear Old Armalite
7. That's It, I'm Moving To America
8. Danny Boy

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