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Desc:Keita Amemiya's sci-fi action film featuring the villain from the 'Kikaider' series as an anti-hero
Category:Classic Movies, General Station
Tags:tokusatsu, hakaider, Keita Amemiya, Kikaider
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Comment count is 4
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-03-04

Jerusalem was renamed Jesus Town? I'm sure that went over well.

And by the power of breaking glass, rubber tubing, and tree roots, I shall become... No-Nose Motorcycle Man!

betamaxed - 2015-03-04

This movie is completely nuts. 5 stars for all the red tubing in the walls at the end.

giygusattack - 2015-03-04

Long time no see.

infinite zest - 2015-03-05

I got this at a video store that was liquidating its inventory around 1997 or so because a Hollywood Video was going in pretty much across the street along with Zieram and a whole bunch of kung fu movies that they were pretty much giving away for free because nobody wanted them. It'll always remind me of the mom and pop video store, which Hollywood and Blockbuster destroyed, which Netflix destroyed, which brought back the mom and pop video stores!

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