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Comment count is 2
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-12-03

Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid, exits into daylight, spraygun hid...

mouser - 2014-12-04

I'm surprised this francophone submission made it though (didn't even see it in the hopper). This french (France) Rael guy pretty much made it big in QC for a long while.

Some of his stuff is batshit crazy. He made a music album where the titles and lyrics are certifiably far-gone. One of his song, «Je n'ai pas besoin de toi» (I do not need you) basically goes along "Hey I love you and I love me but if you're not there I'll continue loving me—I don't need you". (Aka, five-knuckle toss).

Check it out if you understand french: http://fr.rael.org/download.php?view.115

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