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Comment count is 11
Binro the Heretic - 2014-09-06

Fuck you. Fuck you, you bald-headed piece of attention-whoring shit. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Eat shit and go fuck yourself.

Fuck you.

That guy - 2014-09-06

I think you owe BorrowedSolution 5 stars for finding a video that did this to you, at least.

thisiszacharygray - 2014-09-07

comments are well worth a read…

kingarthur - 2014-09-07

Boy are they ever.

Jack Dalton - 2014-09-07

So the youtube comment consensus is that this is Robin Williams and not suggestive captions to a bunch of audio garble... Of course.

Jack Dalton - 2014-09-07

I always think about these dumb suggestion videos when I see clairvoyant garbage...

http://uncutohh.ytmnd.com sorry for the ytmnd link, but I SWEAR you can hear Robin Williams say bring back Poe-News...

betabox - 2014-09-07


Wander - 2014-09-07

5 stars for introducing me to the concept of a ghost box.

For those not in the know, it's a box that RANDOMLY SCANS RADIO STATIONS: http://www.prrsociety.org/ghostbox.html

Be careful though, it's dangerous to use!

sasazuka - 2014-09-07

Yeah, I didn't look it up but that's what I assumed it was, some kind of radio scanner.

Is this guy taking into account the fact that, if he's scanning radio stations within a couple of days of Robin Williams' suicide, he's quite likely to hear Robin Williams voice... in recorded form, because it was a freaking big news story and a lot of stations were playing clips of Robin Williams from interviews, movies, and standup routines?

BorrowedSolution - 2014-09-07

This guy's not taking anything into account.

RedHood - 2014-09-07

Ok now do Hitler! Or Stallin's wife, the one that died...either one.

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