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Comment count is 16
SolRo - 2014-07-01

all conflicts should be solved with bikini girls playing volleyball

poorwill - 2014-07-01

Wait, so it was a draw? I guess they better have a war as a tie-breaker then.

poorwill - 2014-07-01

Also, I love how the Chinese chick is just tramping it up and staying away from any comments that could be remotely interpreted as 'political'.

gravelstudios - 2014-07-02

She DOES have to go back home to China after this is over, after all.

I'm sure all of their grandparents are ashamed of them for socializing with the enemy.

SolRo - 2014-07-02

That's definitely what is going on guys.

I mean, going to a contested territory an making a peace demonstration video with the opposing side, if it could get her in trouble, would only get her in trouble if she talked too much.

poorwill - 2014-07-02

Yeah yeah, I just think she's fooling herself is all.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2014-07-02

There is actually a lot of speculating amongst the Japanese commenters that both of the girls involved are Chinese.

Being a Japanese speaker and having heard a lot of Chinese around Ikebukuro and the like speaking it, there IS a case to be made that she's speaking with a very slight but definitely noticeable accent.

They've also done sleuthing and found that whatever shore is being displayed here, it is not the actual Senkaku island.

Apparently backlash has gotten bad enough that, despite having been posted months ago, the UNHATE news site has just pulled it down.

SolRo - 2014-07-02

so it's a false flag by Chinese in an attempt to diffuse tensions and promote a peaceful solution? THOSE GOD DAMN (Japanese slur for Chinese) MOTHERFUCKERS!

Japan would be the best country if only their foreign policy and views of other Asians wasn't the same as Mississippi.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2014-07-02

A false flag operation of China trying to take control of a sovereign nation's territory. Oh excuse me, "share control." Nevermind that its been effectively under Japanese control since 1895 And Hong Kong can tell you what glories shared administration brings. It is really silly that this is all literally over a rock but China's been doing this with waters surrounding Vietnam and the Phillipines as well.

Basically, if China could just cut this shit out a lot of people would be much happier.

SolRo - 2014-07-02

That "they've owned it for a while now" argument only seems to get used when it's western powers controlling a contested piece of land. When it's the other way around, it needs to be returned, etc, etc.

memedumpster - 2014-07-02

So long as we can all agree that the rainbow belongs to Godzilla.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-02

Leifang needs to focus all her energy on tramping it up if she hopes to compete with Kasumi.

jreid - 2014-07-02

Well, turns out I have a fetish for asian women in bikinis playing volleyball.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-02

I just checked and it turns out the sky is blue.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-07-02

^ haha!

That guy - 2014-07-04

You can't stop the fap
Can't stop the fap
You can't stop the fap
Can't stop the fap

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