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Comment count is 4
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-15

If you haven't seen this movie, you should.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-04-15

A lot of people say "Citizen Kane" is the best movie ever because of the technical and storytelling innovations it brought to film, but "Casablanca" is definitely more enjoyable to watch.

Nominal - 2014-04-16

As good as this movie is, it certainly gets tiring listening to Robert McKee constantly worship the thing as the best screenplay ever written.

Everyone knows that Die Hard deserves that honor, with Robocop a close second.

Bort - 2014-04-16

I've heard that the only shortcoming of this movie is the Nazis ought to just arrest Victor Laszlo on the spot, and shouldn't even worry about exit visas. I'm pretty sure the answer to that is, while there may be Nazi soldiers stationed every 500 feet in Paris, a group of maybe a dozen Nazis has to be very damn careful to not piss off the locals out in Casablanca, or they will end up as a dozen holes in the desert. In Casablanca the Nazis can't even win a singing contest.

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