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Desc:Leaked phone call (allegedly) between Nuland and ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt
Category:News & Politics, Military
Tags:russia, USA, Ukraine, tradecraft
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Comment count is 6
SolRo - 2014-03-06

So the Americans will now threaten sanctions against themselves for meddling in Ukrainian affairs?

Toenails - 2014-03-06

In her defense, who hasn't wanted to fuck the EU?

Toenails - 2014-03-06

But on a serious note, I don't see how "Fuck the EU" was nothing more than a "We don't have to go that route" comment.

I mean, if this was the case, then I guess I could try to be appalled by her salty language. But on the other hand, fuck all of y'all.

Bort - 2014-03-06

Yeah, it seems like she'd like to steer the Ukrainian situation into a configuration more favorable to US interests, which is underhanded, but it falls way short of the "US IS TRYING TO INSTALL UKRAINIAN PUPPET GOVERNMENT!!!" that I'm hearing from some Lefties.

SolRo - 2014-03-06

What I'm seeing is the left and right arguing about if Obama looks tough/weak or how bush was better/worse.

This must be the most retarded 'crisis' in recent history. Some the anti-Russian dumbasses have even gotten air time saying the Georgian intervention was the "start of the invasion".

Old_Zircon - 2014-03-06

The Showcase Showdown are really widening the net.

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