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Desc:Fails to grow beard, lionizes japanese imperialism
Category:Fashion, News & Politics
Tags:Racist, neckbeard, Yukio Mishima, reactionary commentary
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Comment count is 6
Gmork - 2014-01-24

Fuckin' neckbeads.

StanleyPain - 2014-01-24

For those who don't want to sit through 33 minutes of this: the guy basically just talks about how great Yukio Mishima is and then somehow melds that into how all the awful shit that Japan did during WWII is either exaggerated or misunderstood (Nanking and Unit 731 denial is interesting to see come out of a white, suburban, fucktard mouth) and they were actually admirable people, ignoring of course that the Japanese suffered greatly during WWII for the irresponsible and short-sighted actions of its ruling class and the vast majority of citizens were not remotely interested in killing themselves for some ludicrous, ancient ideal of serving the Emperor and perpetuating their race or whatever.

There's also a little undercurrent of Holocaust denial that he's too chickenshit to actually get out in the open.

StanleyPain - 2014-01-24

Oh, what's really interesting is he never discusses Mishima's homosexuality which is convenient given the not-so-subtle homophobic bullshit in some of his other videos I randomly checked out.

Anaxagoras - 2014-01-24

Homosexuality is not one of the "uncomfortable realities" that Mishima forced this guy to face, however.

Sexuality in general, on the other hand, was very uncomfortable.

memedumpster - 2014-01-24

I have enjoyed Mishima's writing quite a bit. His short stories could take normally common (detached clueless dude dumps girlfriend) or even bland settings (bros get trashed at beach party) and make them weirdly interesting. His stories did not inspire me to be a frail artsy manpoosy.

This guy also confuses the hell out of the concepts of a nation and a state.

StanleyPain - 2014-01-25

I find Mishima strangely brilliant as an artist. I've read a few of his novels and short stories and his films are worth checking out. On a personal level, though, it's pretty clear he was a bit batshit crazy. It's odd that his writing penetrated his own psyche so clearly, yet he ended up exactly as one of his characters might.

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