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Comment count is 7
Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-16


Now, release the rape hounds.

infinite zest - 2013-12-16

11 minutes and not a single magic trick.

zurf - 2013-12-16

"I like how you frame the definition of atheist"... Jesus Christ woman open a dictionary.

baleen - 2013-12-16

"They can be rational?"

Where, when? They were certainly being civil, but this was all complete bullshit. I'm hoping that Beck's fans pick up some Krauss at least. Maybe have him on the show!

Syd Midnight - 2013-12-17

Siccing Penn Gillette on religious people is like dropping chemical weapons on the enemy. May Hell forgive us because Heaven won't.

chumbucket - 2013-12-17

Is this a game show?

ShiftlessRastus - 2013-12-17

For someone who supposedly values intellect, logic, and honesty, Gillette sure is chummy with the human embodiment of their opposites.

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