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Comment count is 7
Hooker - 2013-12-05

I could deal with how pathetic and irritating this guy is, but his terrible comedy is unwatchable.

candyheadrobot - 2013-12-05

Poor rapey mc rape face still hasn't figured out that online dating has been dead since the advent of the facebook like button. Oh well, I'm sure he'll help to produce more material for that catfish show or something.

TeenerTot - 2013-12-06

D o u c h e .

StanleyPain - 2013-12-06

That looks like the same room VenomFangX did all his old videos in.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-12-06

Holy shit, you're right!

Riskbreaker - 2013-12-06

Sounding very alpha right there.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-09

An incredibly small penis.

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