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Desc:The video which led to ArchieLuxury's 'How to Judge a Single Woman by her Wristwatch'
Category:Educational, Fashion
Tags:Shoes, women, feminists, archieluxury
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Comment count is 9
spikestoyiu - 2013-12-02

"No sporting shoes. They're not necessary."

Well there's a shock.

The Mothership - 2013-12-02

He'll rock watches that cost a mint, but can't be bothered to even invest in a pair of burgundy wingtips for variety? Son, please.

Oh, and that's right about men with boat shoes. I have two pairs, red and green.

Enjoy - 2013-12-02

That painting of Archie during the opening credits never fails to make me snicker.

EvilHomer - 2013-12-02

I really want to know the story behind that painting.

Also, does anyone know if Archie is receptive to fanart?

Monkey Napoleon - 2013-12-02

If this is how he reacts to reading some random article online, I'd imagine if he ever thumbed through a cosmo his head would explode.

FreeOJ - 2013-12-02

He's so materialistic he is almost a caricature of himself.

Oktay - 2013-12-02

Auto 5 for Archie. He's sort of like Frankie (the guy who does the severe weather advisories) but in a bitter, maligned kinda way.

memedumpster - 2013-12-03

I hear his front tuft always points towards Mecca and his side part aligns with the Euphrates.

Old_Zircon - 2013-12-03

I am completely unable to tell where the character ends and the man begins. Always 5.

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