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Comment count is 2
sasazuka - 2013-11-20

Hmm, what happened to the comment I made yesterday? Must have been the Jesuits. ;-)

Anyway, her terrible personal site (not to be confused with the terrible troll sites: Church of Gail, Crazy Gail, and the Order of the Jesuits) is back online, which leads me to wonder if the trolls have painted themselves into a corner since they convinced her that the "Jesuits" blew up the servers with "Nukkakes", but the servers are obviously just fine. I suppose if there are any inconsistencies with the crap they spoonfeed her, they can just go with the ultimate "wizard did it", which would be "Jesus fixed the servers".

Also, while I know being half-Japanese doesn't necessarily mean that she would be familiar with Japanese porn terms, you'd think someone would have pointed out to her that "nukkake" is just a bad pun on "bukkake" by now.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-23


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