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Desc:Surprisingly well thought out. I don't think anything will come of it, but it's well thought out.
Category:Educational, News & Politics
Tags:disaster, Revolution, predicting the future, no one will actually listen, Storm Clouds Gathering
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 5
Old_Zircon - 2013-11-08


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-11-08

For the record, the Youtube author is a pacifist and does not promote or endorse violence.

memedumpster - 2013-11-08

I wrote out a block post about why I think the 3 stage revolution plan presented here is wrong, and the NSA shouldn't worry about this, but then I kind of felt bad for criticizing another Internet revolutionary. I think everyone should have a world domination plan, even though there probably aren't enough humans alive to statistically manifest one that would work.

Nominal - 2013-11-09

Yes, encouraging American law enforcement to disobey orders they find "unconstitutional" is going to work out so well.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-11-09

It's like hoping they'll disobey orders in a new way that doesn't involve scoring more cash, meeting an arrest quota, being a power-trip douche, or exercising hatred/contempt for the scum that is the rest of humanity. Oh, and they get the added bonus of risking their jobs and retirement.

This won't happen.

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