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Comment count is 5
Spaceman Africa - 2013-08-18

Decline of western civilization? This IS western civilization.

Sudan no1 - 2013-08-18

I got to the part where they commit hate crimes against a gay man and figured nothing could out-white-trash that, so I quit.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2013-08-18

I find insane clown posse baffling. I've only encountered them via the internet and I initially thought they were some kind of bad parody or something like the side-hug jesus rap thing.
The fact that they are actually genuine and popular in the US is very strange.

Also ICP = Invisible Conga People !!!

(and MW2 = Mechwarrior 2!!)

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-19

I knew this would be here eventually. Funny enough, it is one of the least horrible ICP related things you could watch.

The Mothership - 2014-11-21

We must summon the magic ninjas.

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