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Comment count is 11
Screwtape - 2013-07-28

The organ player is either having a stroke or her monkey is attacking her.

Accidie - 2013-07-28

Wait wait- I got it.

Nominal - 2013-07-28

Maybe they're trying to improv?

I'm more disturbed by whatever in hell the woman in orange is wearing.

Paracelsus - 2013-07-28

How about 'worst fucking hat ever?'

Kabbage - 2013-07-28

didn't exactly knock this one out of the park, folks

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-07-29

Yeah, that's pretty bad.

M-DEEM - 2013-07-29

A little backstory on this:

"The organist has become so obese that she can no longer leave the organ room. Tragically, she has become penned in with her back to the console and so the gracious parishioners of ______ now charged with her care have provided her with a long curved stick with a catcher's mitt taped to the end in order play her beloved organ for weddings, funerals, services and baptisms."

fedex - 2013-07-29

that was awesome, stars for you

Vaidency - 2013-07-29

Damn, I hope that was just a rehearsal.

duck&cover - 2013-07-29

Just play "Chopsticks" already!

chumbucket - 2013-07-29

That marriage is destined for greatness

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