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Comment count is 10
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-06-27

This video gave me Opinions about AT&T, but not the ones intended.

memedumpster - 2013-06-27

Playing the oboe of hate, followed by the piano of hope, finishing with the strings of piety.

Architeuthis Tux - 2013-06-27

Five stars of PAIN.

Okay, PoeTV. First there was the horrible Captain Crunch thing that got me talking about my days doing commercial animation.... Now you've dug up something related to the most shameful commercial art I ever did.

I animated a beating heart for these folks to put on their website. They promised the tiny firm I was working for that they'd send us LOADS of business from rich god-botherers.

Yeah. Didn't happen.

Fortunately, I got to charge them my extra expensive rate. Bought my then-girlfriend and I some nice wedding rings and a bunch of super-kinky porn comics with the proceeds.

memedumpster - 2013-06-27

So, you're ashamed of having exploited Christians for money? Why?

Architeuthis Tux - 2013-06-27

It takes an awful lot of money to wash the taste out, and while I was paid well, it wasn't *that* well.

Herr Matthias - 2013-06-27

"I've fallen from the Kingdom of Heaven, and I CAN'T GET UP"

sasazuka - 2013-06-27

I remember LifeLine, they were a sponsor of Bob Larson's radio show in the 1990s, back when Bob Larson still had a radio show before he lost most of his stations and decided to take his stage hypnotist "exorcism" show on the road fulltime.

Lifeline also offered a dial-up Internet service where they advertised that they monitored all sites you visit and called you up for one-on-one counseling if you dared look at boobies. Like your own, private NSA.

Quad9Damage - 2013-06-28

Gary Larson's evil brother?

Quad9Damage - 2013-06-28

Five stars alone for those lovely slow motion montages with their ominous scores. An additional five for Bill Hates. Another five at the thought of something like a closeted homosexual using his family's Lifeline to call up his 200 mile away partner and then saving everyone on the long distance.

fulakarp - 2013-06-28

Oh man, I remember this. I know they still do this a lot, but in the Evangelical church in the 90's there was a big surge of boycotting companies. A woman asked for (and received) permission to set up a table in the church foyer every Sunday after services, handing out several-page-long lists of companies that Christians should not patronize.

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