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Comment count is 10
Bort - 2013-06-22

obvious "Wicker Man" joke

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-06-22

The movie, or the song?

Because I think the song is more appropriate for this.

Bort - 2013-06-22

I was thinking of the questions the FAA investigators might have, one question in particular.

Old People - 2013-06-22

One they might have to ask over and over again...

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-22

Thank you to Bort, for making me laugh at a video of a woman burning to death in an airplane explosion.

Bort - 2013-06-23

I know! I can't stand being me some days.

RocketBlender - 2013-06-22

What happened to not liking videos of people dying on camera?

takewithfood - 2013-06-22

Nobody seems to care that the pilot died, too.

Chancho - 2013-06-23

And I get in shit for stepping on the second-to-last step on a ladder...

chumbucket - 2013-06-23


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