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Desc:I saw this in the theater last week (on 35mm!) and it's surprisingly very good despite this trailer.
Category:Classic Movies, Crime
Tags:Exploitation, drugs, Charles Manson, Jim Van bebber
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Comment count is 9
chumbucket - 2013-04-08

stabbing stabbing stabbing stabbing

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-08

I really can't recommend this highly enough.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-08

The actors are mostly really good for the kind of movie it is, some of them are eerily true to the people they're portraying yet at the same time they nail the sort of 1970 drive-in sexploitation movie feel that the whole thing has. Tarantino only WISHES he could evoke grindhouse cinema half as well as this does (yet it also manages to not feel like some kind of "retro" exercise).

It's what Natural Born Killers would have been like if Oliver Stone didn't give a single fuck about making money or having any kind of career or critical respect. So, like, if Natural Born Killers was good.

The trailer doesn't really do a good job of conveying how little of the movie is actually violent and how justified the graphic violence is in context, either.

It's far from perfect but it's probably the most satisfying American indie film of the last decade that I've seen that wasn't made by Crispin Glover.

moldprince - 2013-04-08

I liked The Manson Family, but Deadbeat At Dawn, Van Bebber's only other feature, is really in a class all its own. Really amazing stuff.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-08

He's new to me, actually. I'm definitely going to check it out.

New documentary on him coming out soon, apparently.

Nominal - 2013-04-08

"it's surprisingly very good despite this trailer" should get whoever cut a trailer shot.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-08

This trailer makes it look good in a different way.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-09

This looks awesome. Looking forward to finding the whole thing up here sometime soon!

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-09

Even without support around it's too NSFW.

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