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Desc:Without your donation how else can they compete against Bill Maher, John Stewart, and David Letterma
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:unfunny, Laughtrack, newsbusted, Media Research Center, conservative think tank
Submitted:Scrotum H. Vainglorious
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Comment count is 25
dek863 - 2013-03-14

I love the fact that they mention you can make a tax deduction from your donation. As though the free-market isn't enough to keep the show running. Talk about ironic.

Old People - 2013-03-14

That was my first thought. The free market is pretty much fucking their shit up.

Blue - 2013-03-14

Conservative humor makes me really appreciate the ability of people like Trey Parker and Matt Stone to make fun of liberals without being horribly unfunny.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-03-15

49 percent of each dollar goes directly to John Galt.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-15

Making fun of liberals is not that hard, all you need is to want to be funny instead of pushing a political agenda.

I loved reading comments from conservatives puzzled that liberals liked "Team America". Apparently they didn't see anything ironic in the portrayal of Alec Baldwin as a James Bond Supervillain.

Bort - 2013-03-15

"Community" does a fantastic job of making fun of liberals, because it understands that their good intentions can lead to all sorts of unintended ends if taken too far. But you need to actually understand liberals to do it right.

(By the way, season 4 is turning out pretty well, I think: it's had strong episodes that have been true to the spiirit of what went before. Go to nbc.com and watch; if you aren't sure where to start, I recommend "Alternative History of the German Invasion".)

Not sure I agree that Parker and Stone know how to do it, though. Liberals seem to crop up only when Parker and Stone are informing us about the human condition, and it's like being lectured on current events by retards.

Blue - 2013-03-15

What I mean is they manage to do it without coming across like they're Glen Beck crying inside.

Awesome call on Community, though. That's how you do it.

Blue - 2013-03-14

Oh ha ha ha ha. Good one! Is this what Newsbusted is, just people saying conservative things with a laugh track?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-03-14

The laugh track is provided by a bunch of unpaid migrant workers who are instructed to laugh every time the guy in the INS uniform points a gun at their kids.

The final chorus of laughter is provided by the cast and crew as they watch the looks on the migrants' faces as they're led away into border patrol vans without being paid.

Kabbage - 2013-03-14

Handouts tag?

snothouse - 2013-03-14

Totally worth it to have a terrible greenscreen so you can drop in an ugly wall.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-15

Cocaine, man. Think of the cocaine it takes to keep these guys convinced that they're real comedy writers

themilkshark - 2013-03-15

This whole endeavor was bad decision after bad decision. This lady probably does her comedy act at Bingo Halls.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-03-14

The Invisible Hand is pretty funny these days.

jangbones - 2013-03-15

its been giving the right wing the finger since before the presidential election

Binro the Heretic - 2013-03-14

I'll give you ten bucks, but only if you let me flick it at your head in the form of nickels.

Raggamuffin - 2013-03-15

Well, well, well! look what we have here. Sorry guys, spent all my cash on an AR15 stockpile. I'm sure you'll be able to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps though.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-15

OH GOD THE LAUGHTRACK!!! Do they really think adding the laugh track will convince people to send money?

themilkshark - 2013-03-15

Don't save NewsBusted. I want to watch it die.

Raggamuffin - 2013-03-15

"Pledge to save newsbusted! Every dollar you give is a quarter inch of water that won't be pumped into the little square room we keep this woman in!"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-15

You see, you want to see it die once.

Send them money, and you can watch it die over and over.

RocketBlender - 2013-03-15

I was really hoping their website would have a running total of what's been donated and how much they need to satisfy my morbid curiosity. No luck.

Ghoul - 2013-03-15

The conspiracy theory comments! Not only is Obama a fan of using social theater to control the libs (we've read about the Sandy Hook conspiracy), but he's behind Anonymous and Kony2012 as well.

Of course, no evidence was provided.

The God of Biscuits - 2013-03-15

Well really, every dollar you donate is between 10 and 39 cents that "those guys" don't get...

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-15

I'm pretty much retired from smoking weed but this has got to be great to watch, buzzed, with the sound down. It's not half bad straight.

Picture of Nancy Pelosi

Jody acting cool.

The punch line sneer.

Not hearing the "joke" only makes it funnier.

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