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Desc:A guy who hasn't 'had a speeding ticket in over a decade' responds to the State of the Union
Category:News & Politics, Military
Tags:State of the Union, response, Bill Windsor, revolutionary party
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Comment count is 14
Xenocide - 2013-02-15

"America is as corrupt as a country can get."

Really, now?

"We will move quickly to put our elected officials on trial for treason."

Good luck with that! If they refuse to surrender to you, be sure to mention your lack of parking tickets.

"In America we no longer have a justice system...we have an INjustice system. We no longer have a legal system. We have an ILLegal system."


Toenails - 2013-02-15



Paracelsus - 2013-02-15

Ah, look at this plump, well-fed revolutionary. I could see why the Man is running scared.

Father Avalanche - 2013-02-15

You can tell he is a Sam's Club guy. Costco is too liberal.

Blue - 2013-02-15

You're ready to fight a civil war over this but it's been 6 minutes of you talking and I have no fucking idea what this corruption is that you're talking about.

If everybody agrees with you, why do they need to be educated? We don't need lawyers? What the fuck is wrong with you? Is this just really coherent sounding word salad?

Void 71 - 2013-02-15

Wealthy small government capitalists like this should be calling for the abolishment of the Constitution and a return to the Articles of Confederation. I'll never understand why they fetishize the document that created what they hate more than anything: a centralized Federal government.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-02-15

It's the same way they'll decry fiscal aid for college after they took advantage of Pell Grants and the GI Bill. They'll poo-poo worries over low wages when they worked for less when they were younger (which is actually more when adjusted for inflation).

They want to return to feudalism and Dickensian labor standards, but they won't come out and say it.

dek863 - 2013-02-15

I'm pretty sure you can't impeach these officials for incompetence.

Riskbreaker - 2013-02-15

These people don't even know what they're angry about anymore, they just know they have to be angry.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-02-15

Old man yells at clouds.

wackyakmed - 2013-02-15

I was browsing their website. All of the complaints are old white people angry about petty, small-town grudges with local mayors and school board officials. Because really, the pinnacle of American injustice right now is the mayor forcing you to tear up your shitty garden.

Rudy - 2013-02-19

There's more than a few of them that complain about being gang-stalked. Good thing there's no psychological exam to become a member of the Revolutionary Party!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-02-16

139 likes on Facebook. This guy thinks he's going to overthrow the government with 139 likes on Facebook?


there's no sense of reality here. Everybody with a blogger site thinks they can change the world. There are probably a hundred organizations with similar goals out there, and a hundred other organizations on the left. In the past, they be forced to find each other, work together, weed out the egos and the crazies in order to have a voice, but now everybody has a voice, and a YouTube account, and 137 Facebook likes. And the corrupt and powerful have nothing to worry about.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-16


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