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Comment count is 16
memedumpster - 2012-12-13

If this were true the Catholic church alone would have pushed the gay population above 30%. If rape determined sexuality, lesbianism would have ended 100,000 years ago, since Christians would have raped it out of them.

memedumpster - 2012-12-13

Yes, I believe in time traveling Christians, you want to fight about it?

EvilHomer - 2012-12-13

If Andrea Dworkin has taught me anything, it's that rape makes more lesbians, not less of them.

Valvados - 2012-12-13

Father Who, traveling back and forth through in time in a time machine that from the outside looks like a confessional booth, facing down enemies with the help of his sonic rosary.

memedumpster - 2012-12-13

"Father, how come the HOST (Holy Ombudsman of Time and Space) is always landing in ancient Greece?"

"I don't know, Toby, perhaps we should ask these naked boys bathing in public... off you go, strip down and join them to see what you can find out."

"Okay, Father..."

"Ah ah... what are we forgetting?"

"Oh, right..., I would like a KY Jellybaby."

misterbuns - 2012-12-13

So fat.

RealmOne - 2012-12-13

As a gay humanist, I follow the Right Wing Watch channel because it empowers me. I mean these conservatives and Christians sure think I am a menacing member of a powerful set of political cultures. It makes me feel better this Christmas, the holiday from which there is no escape.

misterbuns - 2012-12-13

My own small act of rebellion was to beat off to the scenario of face fucking this dude's ignorant fat head. Then I think about how his ideology is going to die with him, he is the last generation of homophobes who will ever have any voice in mainstream culture. He is a dinosaur. I am the astroid.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-13

"He is a dinosaur. I am the asteroid."

That needs to be put on a banner.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2012-12-13

too shit didnt watch
but the byline on their logo: "faith and freedom"
oxymoron no?

Prickly Pete - 2012-12-13

Garth, that was a haiku

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-12-13

Any time a Republican gets all up in arms about anything related to sex of any kind, consensual or criminal, it's because someone just rebuffed their clumsy, horrific, demands for sexual intimacy.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-12-13

Almost half of gay men were sexually assaulted by pedophiles as children.

Another interesting fact:

Almost three quarters of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Binro the Heretic - 2012-12-13

I wonder if this fucking moron realizes heterosexual men are more reluctant to admit it if they were assaulted by another man.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-14

And it's in no small part because of people like this fucking moron.

That guy - 2014-09-15

I can tell without watching this that there's an is/ought gap here.

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