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Desc:Bobby Heenan and Vince McMahon narrate the FUTURE OF BODYBUILDING
Category:Arts, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Robot, bodybuilding, 1992, vince mcmahon, WBF
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Comment count is 17
Cena_mark - 2012-11-24

With the 90+ million wasted on Linda's campaign Vince could have brought back the WBF.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2012-11-25

Or the XFL.

Rudy - 2012-11-27

Vince's tendency to try and branch out to "respectable" businesses only to get humiliated publicly and be forced to slink back to the pro wrestling ghetto never gets old.

garcet71283 - 2012-11-24

Horrifying bodybuilding week?

The Mothership - 2012-11-25

this isn't all that terrifying; this is pretty tame compared to some of the real freaks.

Yellow Lantern - 2012-11-25

Excellent. Is the Gary Strydom segment already on here? That is the best one.

The Mothership - 2012-11-25

it is, follow the WBF link.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-11-25

The best part of this is the announcer trying to suppress his obvious sexual attraction.

He's such a great...uh he's great in the gym! (sweat)

Cena_mark - 2012-11-25

There have long been rumors about McMahon having a thing for big muscly guys. The UBF and how most of the wrestlers who would get a big push were moreso body builders than wrestlers played in forming the rumors.

RealmOne - 2012-11-25

You know, if those are rumors are true, just above every reason why I like the WWE as a gay man now make sense. Yeah. I'll blame it on this. Yeah.

garcet71283 - 2012-11-25

I would think that if you were gay, the WWE would be like free softcore porn.

Memedumpster, we need you to weigh in on this.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-26

As a gay, it is.

Millard - 2012-11-25

He moves like one of the rejected cyborgs from Robocop 2.

Hooker - 2012-11-25

No idea why this didn't catch on.

Jim Quin - 2012-11-25

Going to steal audio samples from this clip to hack into a Smackdown vs. Raw game.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2012-11-25


Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-26

Arg, I was trying to eat while watching this. It just made me so sick to the stomach.

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