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Comment count is 15
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-10-22

FINALLY! I've been looking for a video like this for ages. Joy.

Shoebox Joe - 2012-10-22

His entire channel is nothing but ingrown hairs. 150+ videos of HD, high zoom shots of a pick, tweezers and some other tool that Yadav uses.

He only rivals Dr. V.S. Yadav in persistence.

The only thing that is beautiful about this is the OCD and catching the transparency of skin.

I shall be brave and say I do like picking at ingrown hairs and my skin.

Shoebox Joe - 2012-10-22

Also, I stayed up watching half of his channel.

I was listening to Rammstein as well.

il fiore bel - 2012-10-22

Hmm. For the ones sticking out, I'd just invest in better tweezers. Or even do a bit of exfoliating first.

But I suppose if it didn't get needlessly bloody and pustuley, it just wouldn't be evil.

il fiore bel - 2012-10-22

Also, needs 'rusty tweezers' tag.

Architeuthis Tux - 2012-10-22

That's not rust.

il fiore bel - 2012-10-22

That's even more frightening.

American Standard - 2012-10-22

Held in there until the picking-at-the-bloody-open-wound stuff.

Deplorable - 2012-10-22

45 seconds, not minutes. I feel ripped off (hur).

Shoebox Joe - 2012-10-22

I've been a bit off, but it still works!

paranex - 2012-10-22

Really needs a trichotillomania tag.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-10-22

oh and "body horror" is a linked tag, not body horrors.

simon666 - 2012-10-22

These are not ingrown hairs. These are just hairs growing from the same follicle, not that uncommon. Hello, OCD. Stars.

The Mothership - 2012-10-23

I do this. I have ridiculously curly hair that leads to a lot of ingrown hairs on my face, as well as multiple hair follicles. So I have to dig out some hairs that grow under the skin sometimes or else I get all sorts of blemishes and white heads. I also tug on my goatee sometimes when I'm nervous or stressed. Trichotillomania it may be, but for god's sake I don't film it and try to preserve and re-live that perfect pluck. Goddamn dude, wash the fucking blood off your fucking tweezers.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-10-23

So fucking satisfying.

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