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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2012-07-25

It's a vizsla, they're fucking crazy all the time.

jangbones - 2012-07-25

ragtime piano is the official music of cocaine psychosis

gravelstudios - 2012-07-25

Technically, that's boogie woogie piano, which IMO makes it even better.

Old_Zircon - 2012-07-25

With really shitty, 80s sounding production, which is the sound of cocaine.

catpenis27 - 2012-07-26

Five stars for someone other than me 'sperging and pointing out that this is boogie.

catpenis27 - 2012-07-26

Although ragtime and very early jazz and blues are pretty much the early 1900's version of dubstep or something. Whatever the kids are listening to and taking drugs these days.

kamlem - 2012-07-25

Cocaine Dogboys.

dead_cat - 2012-07-25

Drug-sniffing dog on vacation.

ToucheTurtle - 2012-07-25

Throw the damned stick already.

shcoleosis - 2012-07-26

"Don't just stand there. Help me hide the cocaine!"

chairsforcheap - 2012-07-26

my dog (black lab) acts like this after a fresh snowfall. Five for retarded dogs.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-26

Never get high on your own supply.

fluffy - 2012-07-26

This is pure snow! It's everywhere! Have you any idea of what the street value of this mountain is?

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