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Desc:The universal solution to all economic problems: Get a job.
Category:Educational, News & Politics
Tags:republicans, Bill Young, sub-moronic, fantasy economics
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Comment count is 14
SolRo - 2012-07-07

How much does strangling republicans pay?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-07-07

Not much but the benefits are incredible.

fourthguy - 2012-07-07

ba dum tiss

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-07

While Abraham Lincoln managed to save the union, he failed in his quest to rid the Republican party of vampires.

StanleyPain - 2012-07-07

If he were a more clever Republican he would have said "Oh wait, I guess you can't get a job because the job makers are all leaving the US because of taxes and Obama's attacks on freedom and liberty and eagles and stalin hitler russia communism god bless the usa and ronald reagan was the ultimate job creator and liberty values 9/11 drill baby drill ahasjhdyeubiadjshquwabdji..."

cognitivedissonance - 2012-07-07

Or, "Very shortly we'll have it so you'll be begging us for any job whatsoever, and you know it."

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-07-07

Official song of the 2012 election found


sosage - 2012-07-07

Get a job
I have a job
Get a job
I have a job
I don't...just...Get a job
I have a job

Nikon - 2012-07-07

The creepy guy can't go off-script.

StanleyPain - 2012-07-07

I want a job.
I want a job.
I want a good job.
I want a job that pays.
I want a job.
I want a job.
I want a real job.
One that satisfies
My artistic needs.

Black Napkins - 2012-07-07

Congressman Bill Young (TFL)

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-07

I thought the exact same thing.

Nikon - 2012-07-07

What an awful old man. When he dies he'll be burning in hell just like Reagan.

Nominal - 2021-05-29

Silver lining: he died of multiple myeloma a little more than one year later!

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