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Comment count is 5
The Mothership - 2012-05-05

He's right about rape being about shame and dominance in the ancient world, and the concept of 'sodomy' being a product of the medieval world.

Also correct about the cultural specificity of the word 'abomination'.

Also - perhaps most important - correct about the difficulty of sorting out what the fuck Paul meant about ANYTHING.

Many footnotes are left out of this lecture, and a few fuzzy issues that are questionable (as he has phrased them); but goddamn, this kid is a child, and he has his shit down pat.

This is of course aside from his own personal passion and experience, which gives this sermon an emotional dimension that puts it on a whole new level. 5 Stars.

erratic - 2012-05-05

agreed. however, and maybe I missed it, but he didn't say anything to reconcile the men of Sodom and Gomorrah being offered Lot's daughters as if gang raping women was ok and gang raping men not ok.

Also, 5 star evil in the youtube comments.

the_slurb - 2012-05-05

I don't think his plan was to call out ethics in the bible in general, just to discuss its view on homosexuality.

that kid is sharp and passionate. we need more like him

erratic - 2012-05-05

right, slurb. but his argument was that the Villagers were wrong not because they wanted to have sex with men, but because they wanted to rape men. However, by not addressing the fact that Lot offers his daughters to be raped, he undermines his argument that rape=bad sex and gay sex=ok sex.

That guy - 2012-05-07

Yeah, this guy's smart as hell and extremely well-spoken for 21, and I feel for him. But humanistic apologetics for the bible can fail in some hilarious ways. [I only got about 20 mins in, it was bumming me out]
Erratic has a point.
Also, this bears repeating:

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