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Comment count is 11
IrishWhiskey - 2012-03-15

Some guy was getting headlines recently for proposing an atheist church and atheist monuments to be build in London. Then getting huffy when the other atheists all laughed at him.

He'd have been better off proposing this instead.

Shoebox Joe - 2012-03-15

I remember finding this from a Goldie Lookin Chain video. I still love it!

Shoebox Joe - 2012-03-15

"Not hallelujah! Don't praise the lord!" and plus the second occupant in the casket.

deadpan - 2012-03-15

Stained glass windows behind conductor are just out-of-focus Smarties.

themilkshark - 2012-03-15

I have vague memories of Spitting Image from my childhood, mostly the Genesis video they did (which was awesome) and a guest appearance on Hollywood Squares. I remember wanting to see more, but thanks to Youtube I can tell that all I missed out on is a sketch show more hamfisted than MadTV featuring the most repulsive puppets ever constructed.

5 stars for evil, unappealing nightmare puppets singing bad jokes.

deadpan - 2012-03-15

Yeah, any Spitting Image clip should automatically get the "Nightmare Fuel" tag.

riedquat - 2012-03-15

A sketch show completely impenetrable to anyone not well-versed in Eighties British politics, no less

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-03-15

There were two special broadcasts they did in the U.S., "The Famous Corporation" and "The Ronnie and Nancy Show." They weren't as UK as the regular show. I wish I still had them somewhere, actually.

I wonder if they used different directors on those, or if the show evolved over time; The sketches I recall weren't nearly this ham-fisted.

As far as "Nightmare Fuel" is concerned, a lot of the Thatcher/Reagan era was that, anyway, so it's no wonder any caricatures would reflect that.

memedumpster - 2012-03-15

Wow, MST3K was right, DC Follies totally ripped this off.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-03-15

Yeah, and that was kind of a career low point for Fred Willard.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-15

Is this the same guy that did the Land of Confusion video?

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