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Desc:After Katrina, public access host tells N'Oleaners why they're lucky he's not God
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:katrina, public, john, access, mangopoulos
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Comment count is 14
Gurlugon - 2006-12-29

Right, right while the homos.. we're eating.. feces.

minimalist - 2006-12-29

Anger Management Specialist

PaZuZu - 2006-12-30

Oh, you silly bubble and squeaks.

erix - 2006-12-30

thou doth protest too much sir

Crucifried - 2006-12-30

Either his teleprompter is broken or the downers just kicked in.

Dummy Rum - 2006-12-30

The world's.... angriest... anger management guy... we're lucky...God... is not.... a homophobe.

kingarthur - 2006-12-30

Parading on Bourbon? I think you want Oz at the corner of Bourbon and Frenchman, asshole.

grimcity - 2006-12-30

As a neighbor of (and with personal/family ties to) NO, I'd love 5 seconds with this prick.

merzbau - 2006-12-31


yoyo1 - 2007-01-02

So? it's just Alitheia with a wig and glasses... The voice is a give away.

phalsebob - 2007-01-31

Anger management specialist will get biblical on yo ass.

RoyCastle - 2007-02-08

he's probably got a self made katrina vs. big easy playset in his basement so he can play pretend

tamago - 2007-03-23

This dude's voice is fucked up. LOL @ "dallers." I assume he meant "dollars."

Charon - 2007-07-08

Oh god. This fuckstick. Anyone from Lansing has seen this douche on TV. He's tied somehow to ADAM (I forget how exactly) and they have just about the most insulting and chauvinistic commercials I've ever seen. Theio's, a local greasy spoon chain was a late night favortie for my friends and I until we found out that this guy owned them. Dammit. No more late night drunken breakfasts. :(

In summation: I have hated this guy for going on 15 years.

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