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Comment count is 11
Wonko the Sane - 2012-02-18


blue vein steel - 2012-02-18

auto 5 for Jericho

Cena_mark - 2012-02-19

This must be the Jerichoholics Anonymous meeting.

MC Scared of Bees - 2012-02-19

Sure looks that way, Cena.

TheJollyDodger - 2012-02-19

Chris Jericho. The wrestler we deserve, and 5 to offset Wonko who doesn't quite get the idea behind POETV.

blue vein steel - 2012-02-19

surprised the Goatberg story arc hasn't made it to PoeTV yet

EvilHomer - 2012-02-19

I had my hair in a "European Ponytail" for my entire freshman year of high-school. Anyone who asked got the same explanation you see on the promo.

MongoMcMichael - 2012-02-19

Regal makes a face at 3:29!

themilkshark - 2012-02-19

Best hair winner of every year

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2012-02-19

"I'm from Winnipeg you idiot!" would be a good name for a book.

chairsforcheap - 2012-02-19


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