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Desc:Around 1:45, the ref TELLS HIM HOW TO GET THE DOOR OPEN and he still can't do it.
Category:Sports, Stunts
Tags:pro wrestling, professional wrestling, wrestlecrap, so incredibly fake, how stupid ARE you?
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Comment count is 7
davinciclone - 2006-12-28

I love how everything just stops while he struggles with the door.

kingarthur - 2006-12-28

"He's the world's strongest man, but he can't get into that cage!"

KillerGazebo - 2008-01-01

"The cage is doing what it was designed to do here tonight."

bopeton - 2006-12-28

Wrestling = fail.

Hooper_X - 2006-12-29

Can you believe the WWF signed this guy to a TEN YEAR CONTRACT? What a mistake.

blackbetta - 2007-01-17

They wait ... and wait .... and wait ... and wait inside the cage.

Vicious - 2007-02-16

And wrestlers STILL get pissed if someone asks if it's fake.

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