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Comment count is 11
joelkazoo - 2011-12-26

I had a guy give me a Christmas card in the Stop-N-Go parking lot. Turns out he's a minister at his own church, and he was trying to get me to attend. Dick. This, however, is awesome.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

Like those people who leave out bible tracts disguised as bills. There should be a special place in hell for people who do that.

Hank Friendly - 2011-12-26

this is some grade-A goodwill to men, but what the fuck is up with that music?

Broc - 2011-12-27

i chose the music because it's something i could post on youtube without it being taken down for infringement, its Icelandic... sorry :(

pineapplejuicer - 2011-12-27

don't you dare apologize for using a sigur ros song, hank friendly just needs to expand his musical horizons.

hank friendly, it turns out rock isnt dead, its just hiding in iceland.

Hank Friendly - 2011-12-27

if you consider this rock, I hope the ghost of Gene Vincent explodes out of his grave and drags you screaming into the pits of hell

Moustache McGillicuddy - 2011-12-27


poorwill - 2011-12-27


robotbeard - 2011-12-27

Put Sigur Ros to anything slightly mushy and I get all choked up. 5 stars for gratuitous heartstring-pulling.

BaconAficionado - 2011-12-27

Mr. Chi City does it better.

pineapplejuicer - 2011-12-27

i miss that guy

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