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Comment count is 17
Billings - 2006-12-17

i don't know what you people expect from a video if this doesn't provide it

Afgh - 2006-12-18


zatojones - 2006-12-18

Skiing. Malt liquor. Red Foxx. Huh...

love - 2006-12-18

this could have easily been stretched to movie length.

Hooper_X - 2006-12-18

I like how his car has his name on it, like those halloween costumes with the vinyl smocks.

Corman's Inferno - 2006-12-19

Car-skiing should be an Olympic event.

I am Damo Suzuki - 2006-12-19

downing obscene amounts of colt 45 should be an Olympic sport

Syd Midnight - 2006-12-24

The music lets you pretend it's a Sesame Street skit

SRBtP - 2006-12-24

Son of a BITCH

bopeton - 2006-12-27

Best commercial ever.

Caminante - 2007-01-07

This is making me want to buy Colt 45.

Lothar - 2008-05-31

Link is dead

Hooper_X - 2009-01-09

Then update it, fag, instead of complaining.

The Mothership - 2009-12-16

Back up, and a damn good thing.

jerrysp702 - 2011-03-24

You have Redd Foxx to work with and you spend your time with cars and snow? Missed opportunity.

Paracelsus - 2012-12-04

Fuck those freeloaders at the end.

Scattersane - 2018-07-13

If getting dressed up nice meant Redd Foxx showed up with beer, I would throw more parties.

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