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Desc:Judy and Byrd both express a desire to perpetrate violence on him. And the ending GETS REAL.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Crime
Tags:tv, judge judy, thief, liar, Id like to crack him
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Comment count is 13
CuteLucca - 2011-09-28

How could someone so stupid be so smug?

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-28

I don't recall giving this video five stars.

Abstract Fainter - 2011-09-28

These excuses work for Republicans, why not him?

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-28

*not intended to be factual statement

chumbucket - 2011-09-28

This case tells me that I should be watching more of this show.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-09-28

I understand about the verdict and everything, your honor
You're just doing your job and that's alright with me
Just one more thing before I leave for all my friends and my family
Can you tell me when this particular episode
Is gonna be on TV?
I'm gonna be on TV!

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-09-28

1.) "I've done a lot of drugs, I don't remember doing that" is now my default defense and should be everyone's default defense from here forward.
2.) That is the most eloquent and logical put down I've heard in a long time.

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-28

That first response more or less sums up my 20s.

paparatti - 2011-09-29

Note: this kind of defence would not work out so well when talking to anyone from USCIS (immigration).

misterbuns - 2011-09-28

God, those people are so white. White person tag?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-09-28

Yeah non-white people never sign loans they don't agree to.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-28

Terrible human being.

mashedtater - 2011-09-29

another enjoyable court case, brought to you by the people of northern indiana

now im homesick

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