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Comment count is 9
Jacques Strap - 2006-12-11

Pre nose job days? Oh and which one is Tito?

kingarthur - 2006-12-11

And on the third day, the Jackson Five created Epcot Center...

mysterycar - 2006-12-12

nice double negative in the description of this boring video

oktay - 2006-12-12

I tried to deny that this isn't the greatest video ever made, but I couldn't.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-12-12

Dictionary definition of hubris, indeed. Suddenly the modern rap video bling looks modest.

Ursa_minor - 2006-12-12

When i was 5, this video filled me with wonder

Stopheles - 2006-12-12

At this point, they were "The Jacksons."

Testicles of Doom - 2006-12-12

I remember when this came out they had "THE JACKSONS" posters for free with Happy Meals at McD's.

yoyo1 - 2006-12-17

Dude,it's missing like half of it, that's why I didn't submit it myself. Youtube failed...

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