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Comment count is 16
davinciclone - 2006-11-29

Only four because of the compression.

Xiphias - 2006-11-29

clint eastwood has some serious eyes on him

grimcity - 2006-11-29

More like a Clint full of fist! CHUCK NORRIS, GET BEAT.

love - 2006-11-29

4 plus 1 for the compression

Hooper_X - 2006-11-30

Clint Eastwood can strip paint off of surfaces simply by STARING at them.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-04-29

And then reapply it. Hence: Paint Your Wagon

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2006-12-01

Long live the Dago Old West.

athodyd - 2006-12-02

man i wish i could be that cool in a poncho

Syd Midnight - 2006-12-02

I'm a liberal, but if he were prez, the USA wouldn't have 1/10th the international problems it does.

Vicious - 2007-02-15

Should've said sorry.

Mr.Rogers - 2007-03-12

Mules are very sensitive creatures.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-14

ONETWO, THREEFOURFIVE!! No, I'm not feeling lucky, punk.

bopeton - 2007-04-06

This whole trilogy is 100% awesome. Great scene.

Roachbud - 2007-09-12

Sick, but Yojimbo is way better

Pie Boy - 2008-02-12

Yeah, loses a star because Mifune does it better.

"Cooper! Two coffins! ...no, wait, maybe three."

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-02-16

Kurosawa liked Leone's remakes. Said so himself. Personally, I kinda think this one may be better than the first.

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